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The Jeevani elixir of the Kani tribes of Kerala and their Intellectual
Property (IP) rights
By D.P. Agrawal
The Kani tribals know of a wild plant, which can provide almost unlimited energy
for trekking through the forests for hours upon hours. The Kanis have an extremely
rich and unique traditional knowledge about the use of the resources around
them, particularly about those that are biological. The Kani tribals belong
to a traditionally nomadic community, who now lead a primarily settled life
in the forests of the Agast-Hymalai hills of the Western Ghats, a mountain range
along south-western India, in Kerala. They number around 16,000 and live in
several tribal hamlets, each consisting of 10 to 20 families dispersed in and
around the forest areas of Thiruvanathapuram district of Kerala. The Kanis
are the traditional collectors of non-timber forest products from the forest.
Mashelkar recalls that in December 1987, a team of scientists working on the
All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology (AICRPE) led by P. Pushpangadan
was trekking through the tropical forests hills. After surveying the Kani tribal
settlements for some time, they got exhausted after a while. This team was
accompanied by a few Kani tribesmen as guides, who surprisingly remained energetic
and agile. They occasionally would munch on some small blackish fruits. One
of them offered a few of these fruits to the team pointing out that if they
ate those, they could go on trekking without fatigue. Surprisingly enough, when
the AICRPE team when they ate these fruits, they too were able to continue their
surveillance without exhaustion. This 'magical' plant was subsequently identified
as Trichopus zeylanicus ssp. travancoricus.
Detailed chemical and pharmacological investigations showed that the leaf of
the plant contained various glycolipids and other non-steroidal compounds with
profound adaptogenic and immmuno-enhancing properties. The fruits showed mainly
anti-fatigue properties. The Tropical Botanical Gardens Research Institute
(TBGRI) was successful in developing a scientifically validated and standardized
herbal drug, based on the tribal knowledge. The drug was named as Jeevani
and was released for commercial production in 1995 by Arya Vaidya Pharmacy.
While transferring the technology for production of the drug to the pharmaceutical
firm, TBGRI agreed to share 50% of the license fee and royalty with the tribal
The prime concern of the tribals in the beginning was to evolve a viable mechanism
for receiving such funds. With the help of TBGRI, some government officials,
and NGOs, the tribe formed a registered trust. About 60% of the Kani families
of Kerela are members of this trust. From February 1999, the amount due to
them has been transferred to this trust with an understanding that the interest
accrued from this amount alone can be used for the welfare activities of the
Kani tribe.
It is heartening to note that TGBRI has trained 25 tribal families to cultivate
the plant around their dwellings in the forest. In the first year itself, each
family earned about Rs. 8,000 on sale of leaves from cultivation of T. zeylanicus
in half-hectare area by each family. But unfortunately the forest department
objected to the cultivation with the plea that the tribes might remove the plants
from the natural population of the species in the forests and thereby make it
endangered. This problem has now been resolved and the forest department has
recently approved the cultivation of this plant. Mashelkar writes that it is
significant to note that while the issue of material transfer and benefit sharing
was discussed and debated after Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), India
has already pioneered one of the first models (Mashelkar 2001).
Mashelkar, R.A., 2001. Intellectual property rights and the Third World. Current
Science 81 (8): 955.