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Alberuni on Pre-Islamic India's Science, Math, and Architecture
by Vinod Kumar
When one travels around India today, one sees mainly Muslims' imposing mosques,
tombs and forts. On the pre-Islamic architectural skills of the Hindus let us
again go back to Alberuni, who wrote when India had not been invaded by the
Muslims other than Sindh, as Mahmud had caused damage only to some parts of
India. Alberuni (AD 973 - 1048), a Muslim scholar, mathematician and master
of Greek and Hindu system astrology, wrote twenty books. In his seminal work,
"Indica" (c. 1030 AD) he wrote:
- "In every place to which some particular holiness is ascribed, the
Hindus construct ponds intended for the ablutions. In this they have attained
a very high degree of art, so that our people (the Muslims), when they see
them, wonder at them, and are unable to describe them, much less to construct
anything like them. They build them of great stones of enormous bulk, joined
to each other by sharp and strong cramp-irons, in the form of steps (or terraces)
like so many ledges; and these terraces run all around the pond, reaching
to a height of more than a man's stature. On the surface of the stones between
two terraces they construct staircases rising like pinnacles. Thus the first
step or terraces are like roads (leading up and down). If ever so many people
descend to the pond whilst others ascend, they do not meet each other, and
the road is never blocked, because there are so many terraces, and the ascending
person can always turn aside to another terrace than on which the descending
people go. Bu this arrangement all troublesome thronging is avoided."
On the plunder by the invading Muslims, he wrote:
- "The Sultan next directed his attacks against the sacred city of Mathura.
The city was surrounded by a massive stone wall, in which were two lofty gates
opening on to the river. There were magnificent temples all over the city
and the largest of them all stood in the center of it. The Sultan was very
much struck by its grandeur. In his estimate it cost not less than 100,000,000
red dinars, and even the most skillful of masons must have taken 200 years
to complete it. Among the large number of idols in the temples, five were
made of pure gold, the eyes of one of them were laid with two rubies worth
100,000 dinars, and another had a sapphire of a very heavy weight. All these
five idols yielded gold weighing 98,300 mishkals. The idols made of silver
numbered 200
. He seized all the gold and silver idols and ordered
his soldiers to burn all the temples to the ground. The idols in them were
deliberately broken into pieces. The city was pillaged for 20 days, and a
large number of buildings were reduced to ashes."
This description of the temple by the court historian of its destroyer shows
its grandeur and superior architecture. It is not without reason that Timur
carried with him tens of thousands of Hindu artisans -- why? To build magnificent
monuments in Samarkand like the ones he had seen in India.
On Literature, Edward Sachau, scholar of Arabic and translator of Alberuni's
'Indica', wrote in his introduction:
- "The foundations of Arabic literature was laid between AD 750 and 850.
It is only the tradition relating to their religion and prophet and poetry
that is peculiar to the Arabs; everything else is of foreign descent. The
development of a large literature, with numerous ramifications, is chiefly
the work of foreigners, carried out with foreign materials, as in Rome the
origines of the national literature mostly point to the Greek sources. Greece,
Persia, and India were taxed to help the sterility of the Arab mind
What India has contributed reached Baghdad by two different roads. Part has
come directly in translations from the Sanskrit, part has travelled through
Eran, having originally been translated from Sanskrit (Pali ? Prakrit ?) into
Persian, and farther from Persian into Arabic. In this way, e.g. the fables
of Kalila and Dimna have been communicated to the Arabs, and book on medicine,
probably the famous Caraka."
On the Arab knowledge of astronomy, Sachau writes:
- "As Sindh was under the actual rule of Khalif Mansur (AD 753 - 774),
there came embassies from that part of India to Baghdad, and among them scholars,
who brought along with them two books, the Brahamsiddhanta to Brahamgupta
(Sirhind), and his Khandkhdyaka (Arkanda). With the help of these pandits,
Alfazari, perhaps also Yakub ibn Tarik, translated them. Both works have been
largely used, and have exercised a great influence. It was on this occasion
that the Arabs first became acquainted with a scientific system of astronomy.
They learned from Brahamgupta earlier than from Ptolemy."
Sachau writes:
- "Another influx of Hindu learning took place under Harun, AD 786 -
808. The ministerial family Barmak, then at the zenith of their power, had
come with the ruling dynasty from Balkh, where an ancestor of theirs had been
an official in the Buddhistic temple Naubehar, i.e. nava vihara = the new
temple (or monastery). The name Barmak is said to be of Indian descent, meaning
paramaka i.e. the superior (abbot of the vihara)
.. Induced by
family traditions, they sent scholars to India, there to study medicine and
pharmacology. Besides, they engaged Hindu scholars to come to Baghdad, made
them the chief physicians of their hospitals, and ordered them to translate
from Sanskrit into Arabic books on medicine, pharmacology, toxicology, philosophy,
astrology, and other subjects. Still in later centuries Muslim scholars sometimes
travelled for the same purposes as the emissaries of the Barmak, e.g. Almuwakkuf
not long before Alberuni's time
.. Many Arab authors took up the subjects
communicated to them by the Hindus and worked them out in original compositions
(which today would be called 'plagiarism' -- comments mine), commentaries
and extracts. A favourite subject of theirs was Indian mathematics, the knowledge
of which became far spread by the publications of Alkindi and many others."
Regarding mathematics, Alberuni wrote:
- "The Hindus do not use the letters of their alphabet for numerical
notation, as we use Arabic letters in the order of the Hebrew alphabet. As
in different parts of India the letters have different shapes, the numerical
signs, too, which are called 'anka', differ. The numerical signs which we
use are derived from the finest forms of the Hindu signs
. The
Arabs, too, stop with the thousand, which is certainly the most correct and
the most natural thing to do. .... Those, however, who go beyond the thousand
in their numeral system are the Hindus, at least in their arithmetical technical
terms, which have been either freely invented or derived according to certain
etymologies, whilst in others both methods are blended together. They extend
the names of the orders of numbers until the 18th order for religious reasons,
the mathematicians being assisted by the grammarians with all kinds of etymologies."
To compare Hindu and Islamic science, consider what is written about astronomy
in the Koran:
- "The sun is not allowed to overtake the moon, nor does the night outpace
the day. Each in its orbit runs." (36:40)
- "We have ordained phases for the moon, which daily wanes and in the
end appears like a bent and withered twig." (36:39)
The Prophet completed this explanation (from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. IV, Hadis
421, pp. 283) as follows:
- "Narrated Abu Dhar: The Prophet asked me at the sunset, "Do you
know where the sun goes at the (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah
and His Prophet know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till
it prostrates itself underneath the Throne, and takes the permission to rise
again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about
to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will
ask permission to go on its course, but it will not be permitted, but it will
be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And
this is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah.
And the sun
Runs its fixed course
For a term (decreed)
That is
The Decree of (Allah)
The Exalted in Might,
The All-knowing." (36:38)
Islam thinks the following of the sun and the moon:
- "They move like the handmill" (Sahih al Bukhari vol. 4, pp. 282).
And about the stars, quoting Sahih Al - Bukhari, Vol. 4, p. 282:
- "(About the) Stars, Abu Qatada mentioning Allah's Statement --
'And We have
Adorned the nearest heaven
With lamps," (67:5)
And Allah said:
- "The creation of these stars is for three purposes, i.e. as decorations
on the sky, as missiles to hit the devils, and as signs to guide travelers.
So, if anybody tries to find a different interpretation, he is mistaken and
just wastes his efforts, and troubles himself with what is beyond his limited
knowledge (e.g. To send a man over the stars or moon etc. is just wasting
on money and energy)."
After the Koran, the traditions of the Prophet as recorded in Sahih Al-Bukhari
and Sahih Muslim is the next most important source of divine knowledge:
- "And it has been unanimously agreed that Imam Bukhari's work is the
most authentic of all other works in Hadith literature put together. The authenticity
of Al-Bukhari's work is such that the religious scholars of Islam said concerning
him: "The most authentic book after the Book of Allah (i.e. Al-Quran)
is Sahih-Al-Bukhari."
To compare this to the Hindu views on Astronomy, one may refer to Alberuni's
quotes from astronomer Brahamgupta:
- "Several circumstances, however, compel us to attribute globular shape
to both the earth and the heaven, viz. the fact that the stars rise and set
in different places at different times, so that, e.g. a man in Yamakoti observes
one identical start rising above the western horizon, whilst a man in Rum
at the same time observes it rising above the eastern horizon. Another argument
to the same effect is this, that a man on Meru observes one identical star
above the horizon in the zenith of Lanka, the country of demons, whilst a
man in Lanka at the same time observes it above his head. Besides all astronomical
observations are not correct unless we assume the globular shape of heaven
and earth. Therefore we must declare that heaven is a globe, and the observation
of these characteristics of the world would not be correct unless in reality
it were a globe. Now it is evident that all other theories about the world
are futile."
And continues:
- "Varahmira explains it further: "Mountains, seas, rivers, trees,
cities, men, and angels, all are around the globe of the earth. And if Yamakoti
and Rum are opposite to each other, one could not say that the one is low
in relation to the other, since low does not exist
. Every one speaks
of himself, 'I am above and the others are below,' whilst all of them are
around the globe like the blossoms springing on the branches of a Kadamba-tree.
They encircle it on all the sides, but each individual blossom has the same
position as the other, neither one hanging downward nor then other standing
upright." He emphasized: "For the earth attracts that which is upon
her, for it is the below towards all directions, and heaven is the above towards
all directions."
- "The followers of Aryabhata maintain that the earth is moving and the
heaven resting. People have tried to refute them by saying that, if such were
the case, stones would and trees would fall from the earth. Brahamgupta does
not agree with them, and says that that would not necessarily follow from
their theory, apparently because he thought that all heavy things are attracted
towards the center of the earth
.. Besides, all scholars agree on this
head, as Varahmira, Aryabhata, Deva, Srishena, Vishnucandra, and Brahman.
If the earth were not round, it would not be girded with the latitude of the
different places on earth, day and night would not be different in winter
and summer, and the conditions of the planets and their rotations would be
quite different from what they are."