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Minerals and Metals in Kautilya's Arthasastra
by Manikant Shah
Today when all knowledge, science and civilization is claimed to emanate from
the west, people living elsewhere are increasingly led to identify themselves
with the thought and behavior of the west. It is surprising to find the people
feign forgetfulness, indifference and ignorance of their own past, in utter
disregard to the achievements of the past generations, offering an excuse to
the west to belie histories other than their own. The situation gives rise to
an irresolvable tussle between opposite viewpoints where on the one hand are
people who glorify, giving rise to obscurantism and fundamentalism; on the other
stand those who smirk at and ridicule the former, being all praise for the west
and the west alone. India, in the present times, in-spite of its long history
and civilization, finds itself in a similar dilemma. In times of such gross
disillusionment a book by A.K. Biswas and Sulekha Biswas in two volumes, Minerals
and Metals in Ancient India, presents factually, the knowledge of the Indians
in the past with specific regard to the use of minerals and metals based upon
archaeological and literary evidence. Here we will discuss only the literary
evidence of the Arthasastra as given in the chapter 5 (vol. 2).
It is interesting to note that Kautilya prescribes that the state should carry
out most of the businesses, including mining. No private enterprise for Kautilya!
One is amazed at the breadth of Kautilya's knowledge. Though primarily it is
treatise on statecraft, it gives detailed descriptions and instructions on geology,
agriculture, animal husbandry, metrology etc. Its encyclopedic in its coverage
and indicates that all these sciences were quite developed and systematized
in India even 2500 years ago. It is surprising that even in the I Millennium
BC, they had developed an elaborate terminology for different metals, minerals
and alloys. Brass (arakuta) was known, so also steel (vrattu),
bronze (kamsa), bell-metal (tala) was an alloy of copper with
arsenic, but tin-copper alloy was known as trapu. A bewildering variety
of jewellery was also classified and given distinctive names.
The chapter mentions and discusses the knowledge possessed by the Indians as
far back as the 4th century BC. At this time 'Kautilya' produced the unparalleled
treatise named Arthasastra. Kautilya is no other than the extremely clever
'Chanakya' or 'Vishnugupta' who was also the teacher of king Chandragupta. It
was Kautilya who through his sheer genius and shrewdness put an end to the power
of Nandas and placed Chandragupta on the throne of Magadh. Kautilya, being an
Acharya or a revered teacher of King Chandragupta was directly involved in statecraft
as the king always sought his advice. The authorship of Arthasastra in
such a capacity assumes great importance. Much before the Europeans could give
due credence to earlier literary documents such as the 'Vedas', they recognized
the Arthasastra as the primary record of objective facts. Moreover, as
the Arthasastra is essentially a book on statecraft, the extensive treatment
given to mines, minerals and metals in it proves the concerns of Indians in
this regard. For example, Kautilya declared that 'mines were the very source
from which springs all temporal power for the strength of government and the
earth, whose ornament is the treasury, which is acquired by means of the treasury
and the army'. This concept that mines, namely, mineral wealth, are a source
which forms the basis of finance was always uppermost in his mind in both his
tracts, one rich in agriculture and the other in mines. In their survey of the
literary evidence in relation to the wealth and knowledge the authors rightly
refer to Kautilaya's Arthasastra as a storehouse of information regarding
minerals and metals in ancient India of the pre-Christian era.
The chapter begins with the importance of 'mines and metals' in the society
and here we are told that one of the most crucial statements in the Arthasastra
is that gold, silver, diamonds, gems, pearls, corals, conch-shells, metals,
salt and ores derived from the earth, rocks and liquids were recognized as materials
coming under the purview of mines. The metallic ores had to be sent to the respective
Metal Works for producing 'twelve kinds of metals and commodities'. Though the
authors wish to show the importance of mines and metals in the society, yet
what they point to is their importance for the state and the powers that the
state exercised over them. Perhaps, Kautilya himself did not treat the matter
so and focused to show its importance for the state alone as the book Arthasastra
is on statecraft and not on society.
We know that Chandragupta, on the advice of Kautilya, had amongst its officials
a 'Director of the Mines' the Akaradhyaksha. Here the chapter discusses
the Director of the Mines, his qualifications and his duties. The Arthasastra
advises the Director of Mines to concentrate on the more accessible mines needing
less capital investment and yielding large quantities of commodities and large
profits over a number of years. The temptation for mining highly valuable gems
should be controlled since such materials were rarely obtained in large quantities
in one place, and the buyers were few and rarely available. Further, it is told
that burdensome mines may be leased to individuals, but otherwise all large
profitable mines and metal works should be operated by the state itself.
The next section deals with the gem minerals and is treated more extensively
than others. We wonder if it is not due to the fact that the gem minerals reflected
the richness of Indian kings. Here we are told that Mani-dhatu or the
gem minerals were characterized in the Arthasastra as 'clear, smooth,
lustrous, and possessed of sound, cold, hard and of a light color'. Excellent
pearl gems had to be big, round, without a flat surface, lustrous, white, heavy,
and smooth and perforated at the proper place. There were specific terms for
different types of jewellery: Sirsaka (for the head, with one pearl in
the centre, the rest small and uniform in size), avaghataka (a big pearl
in the center with pearls gradually decreasing in size on both sides), indracchanda
(necklace of 1008 pearls), manavaka (20 pearl string), ratnavali
(variegated with gold and gems), apavartaka (with gold, gems and pearls
at intervals), etc. Diamond (vajra) was discovered in India in the pre-Christian
era. The Arthasastra described certain types of generic names of minerals
red saugandhika, green vaidurya, blue indranila and colorless
sphatika. Deep red spinel or spinel ruby identified with saugandhika,
actually belongs to a different (spinel) family of minerals. Many other classes
of gems could have red color. The bluish green variety of beryl is known as
aquamarine or bhadra, and was mentioned in the Arthasastra as
uptpalavarnah (like blue lotus). The Arthasastra also mentions
several subsidiary types of gems named after their color, lustre or place of
origin. Vimalaka shining pyrite, white-red jyotirasaka, (could
be agate and carnelian), lohitaksa, black in the centre and red at the
fringe (magnetite; and hematite on the fringe?), sasyaka blue copper
sulphate, ahicchatraka from Ahicchatra, suktichurnaka powdered
oyster, ksiravaka, milk coloured gem or lasuna and bukta
pulaka (with chatoyancy or change in lustre) which could be cat's eye,
a variety of chrysoberyl, and so on.
The authors further mention that at the end was mentioned kacamani,
the amorphous gems or artificial gems imitated by coloring glass. The technique
of maniraga or imparting colour to produce artificial gems was specifically
We are told that the Arthasastra also mentions the uses of several non-gem
mineral and materials such as pigments, mordants, abrasives, materials producing
alkali, salts, bitumen, charcoal, husk, etc.
Pigments were in use such as anjan ,( antimony sulphide), manahsil
( red arsenic sulphide), haritala, (yellow arsenic sulphide) and hinguluka
(mercuric sulphide), Kastsa (green iron sulphate) and sasyaka,
blue copper sulphate. These minerals were used as coloring agents and later
as mordants in dyeing clothes. Of great commercial importance were metallic
ores from which useful metals were extracted. The Arthasastra did not
provide the names of the constituent minerals beyond referring to them as dhatu
of iron (Tiksnadhatu), copper, lead, etc.
Having reviewed the literary evidence the authors maintain that the Arthasastra
is the earliest Indian text dealing with the mineralogical characteristics of
metallic ores and other mineral-aggregate rocks. It recognizes ores in the earth,
in rocks, or in liquid form, with excessive color, heaviness and often-strong
smell and taste. A gold-bearing ore is also described. Similarly, the silver
ore described in the Arthasastra seems to be a complex sulphide ore containing
silver (colour of a conch-shell), camphor, vimalaka (pyrite?). The Arthasastra
describes the sources and the qualities of good grade gold and silver ores.
Copper ores were stated to be 'heavy, greasy, tawny (chalcopyrite left exposed
to air tarnishes), green (color of malachite), dark blue with yellowish tint
(azurite), pale red or red (native copper). Lead ores were stated to be grayish
black, like kakamecaka (this is the color of galena), yellow like pigeon
bile, marked with white lines (quartz or calcite gangue minerals) and smelling
like raw flesh (odour of sulphur). Iron ore was known to be greasy stone of
pale red colour, or of the colour of the sinduvara flower (hematite).
After describing the above metallic ores or dhatus of specific metals,
the Arthasastra writes: In that case vaikrntaka metal must be
iron itself which used to be produced by the South Indians starting from the
magnetite ore. It is not certain whether vaikrntaka metal was nickel
or magnetite based iron. Was it the beginning of the famous Wootz steel?
The Arthasastra mentions specific uses of various metals of which gold
and silver receive maximum attention. The duties of suvarna-adhyaksah,
the 'Superintendent of Gold, are defined. He was supposed to establish industrial
outfits and employ sauvarnikas or goldsmiths, well versed in the knowledge
of not only gold and silver, but also of the alloying elements such as copper
and iron and of gems which had to be set in the gold and silver wares. Gold
smelting was known as suvarnapaka. Various ornamental alloys could be
prepared by mixing variable proportions of iron and copper with gold, silver
and sveta tara or white silver which contained gold, silver and some
coloring matter. Two parts of silver and one part of copper constituted triputaka.
An alloy of equal parts of silver and iron was known as vellaka.
Gold plating (tvastrkarma) could be done on silver or copper. Lead,
copper or silver objects were coated with a gold-leaf (acitakapatra)
on one side or with a twin-leaf fixed with lac etc. Gold, silver or gems were
embedded (pinka) in solid or hollow articles by pasting a thick pulp
of gold, silver or gem particles and the cementing agents such as lac, vermilion,
red lead on the object and then heating.
The Arthasastra also describes a system of coinage based on silver and
copper. The masaka, half masaka, quarter masaka known as
the kakani, and half kakani, copper coins (progressively lower
weights) had the same composition, viz., one-quarter hardening alloy and the
rest copper.
The Arthasastra specifies that the Director of Metals (lohadhyakasa)
should establish factories for metals (other than gold and silver) viz., copper,
lead, tin, vaikrntaka, arakuta or brass, vratta (steel),
kamsa (bronze), tala (bell-metal) and loha (iron or simply
metal), and the corresponding metal-wares. In the Vedic era, copper was known
as lohayasa or red metal. Copper used to be alloyed with arsenic to produce
tala or bell metal and with trapu or tin to produce bronze. Zinc
in India must have started around 400 BC in Taxila. Zawar mines in Rajasthan
also give similar evidence. Vaikrntaka has been referred to some times
with vrata, which is identified by many scholars including Kangle, as
steel. On the top of it, tiksna mentioned as iron, had its ore or dhatu,
and the metal was used as an alloying component. Iron prepared from South Indian
magnetite or vaikrantakadhatu was wrongly believed to be a different
A bar and a broken sword of steel were found at the bottom of the Khan Baba
stone Pillar of Heliodorus (dated before 125 BC). The sword assayed 0.7 % carbon
and was certified by Sir Robert Hadfield as having been 'deliberately manufactured
as steel' (Archaeological Survey Report, 1913-14, pp. 203-4). This discovery
lends credence to the Arthasastra mentioning vratta (steel) and
various war equipments such as khadga (sword). Arrows were iron-tipped.
Indian army equipped with iron-tipped arrow and iron swords assisted Xerexes
and other Achaemenid emperors in fighting Greece.
The authors have thus established that Kautilya's Arthasastra records
Indians' skill and knowledge of processing gem minerals, metallic ores, metals,
alloys and the end products, as well as an aptitude for scientific methodology,
and the development of an elaborate terminolgy, during the sub-continent's Early
Historical Period.
Biswas, A.K. and Sulekha Biswas.1996. Minerals and Metals in Kautiliya's Arthasastra.
In Minerals and Metals in Ancient India. Vol.II. D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd., New
Saletore, R.N. 1973. Early Indian Economic History. N.M. Tripathi Private
Limited, Bombay.
Manikant Shah
Lok Vigyan Kendra
Almora 263601