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Textures of ‘Wootz’: Techno-cultural insights on steel, cast iron & ferrous metals in South Indian antiquity by Dr.(Ms.) Sharada Srinivasan
(B.Tech, IIT, Mumbai, MA, SOAS, Ph.D.,
Archaeometallurgy, Institute of Archaeology, London) National Institute of Advanced Studies,
Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore 560012
I. Brief description and objectives
The book entitled
‘Textures of ‘Wootz’: Techno-cultural insights on steel, cast iron and ferrous
metals in Indian antiquity’ proposes to provide a technological-cum-cultural
overview of the heritage of ferrous metals, particularly high-carbon alloys
and steel, in Indian antiquity. A significant theme of the book would
be to investigate the intriguing high-carbon ‘wootz’ steel for which India has
been famed in antiquity and which forms an important part of its scientific
heritage, from the point of view of exploring its antiquity and properties (with
special emphasis on investigations on material from previously undocumented
old production sites that were uncovered by the author in Karnataka and Tamil
Nadu in southern India.) However, the purpose of proposed
book is not so much to write an exhaustive monograph on wootz steel but to locate
it a) within a broader canvass concerning Indian ferrous metals over the ages
in its developmental aspects (especially from less well studied contexts in
southern India) while spanning the gamut of ferrous materials
from wrought iron to low carbon and high carbon steel and cast iron b) to explore
some of the issues concerning the origins and spread of this technology and
c) to integrate a more holistic understanding of the inter-relationship with
other craft traditions, decorative or performance arts traditions towards
fleshing out the perspective that innovations within the Indic tradition can
often be seen to draw from cross-craft interactions with cultural connections
across different technological and artistic traditions, augmented by longstanding
threads of cultural continuity-with several craft traditions surviving into
the present day or at least the recent past.
Thus, to summarise the approach of the book, it
would begin by outlining the conceptual framework and then touch upon issues
concerning the emergence of ferrous metallurgy in relation to pre-existing craft
skills or metallurgical skills: especially from less explored iron age megalithic
contexts which may throw light on questions as to whether ferrous metallurgy
could have developed independently in the peninsular and southern Indian megalithic
contexts as some scholars have debated. The book would then move on
to exploring aspects related to the emergence of wootz crucible steel in southern
India including some literary accounts on ‘wootz’ or ‘ukku’, evidence
from production sites concerning the process metallurgy and the story of the
use of wootz for production of the artistic patterns of ‘Damascus’ steel swords.
This would be followed by a related but little explored question about the emergence
or use of different types of cast irons in Indian antiquity. Further, less
well-studied cultural manifestations of iron or steel would be explored ranging
from swords used in martial arts, wires for stringed musical instruments, ferrous
metals in architecture and other artistic, utilitarian or decorative traditions.
Finally, some aspects related to the social history concerning surviving communities
of blacksmiths or iron smelters and socio-religious traditions would be touched
upon. The time-frame
for the proposed book would be about 18 months to 2 years (award granted in
June 2003).
Justification for the proposed book
class=MsoPlainText style='text-align:justify'>European travellers and geologists
such as Buchanan, Percy and Voysey from the seventeenth century onwards have
described the production of ‘wootz’ steel ingots by crucible processes over
large parts of southern India including Golconda in Andhra Pradesh, the former
Mysore state (in Karnataka) and Salem district in Tamil Nadu. Cyril Stanley
Smith (1980) has given an account of the European fascination with ‘wootz’ steel
ingots from southern India and attempts to replicate it for industrial production
which spurred the development of metallurgy and metallography in the 18th-19th
centuries, inviting the attention of scientists of the repute of Michael Faraday,
inventor of electricity. Studies on some late medieval ‘wootz’ ingots have
shown them to be of high-carbon steel (1-1.5% C), which was a novelty in Europe
where only low-carbon steels (less than 0.8% C) had been in vogue. Wootz ingots
were also reputed to have been used to make the artistically patterned ‘Damascus’
swords. Indeed, ancient India deserves a special niche in the annals of western
science not only for pioneering the semi-industrial production of metallic zinc
and high-carbon steel, but also for indirectly spurring their modern metallurgical
advances and metallurgical study in Europe leading to the Industrial Revolution,
as pointed out in overviews by the author with S. Ranganathan on metallurgical
heritage of mankind and on wootz steel (Srinivasan and Ranganathan 1997, 1998,
2003 in press).
As such, more studies have been
made on iron in Indian antiquity than on steel. D. P. Agrawal, Bhanu Prakash,
V. Tripathi and D. K. Chakrabarti have written on the development of iron metallurgy
in ancient India while studies on the famed iron pillar have been made by T.R.
Anantharaman, A. K. Lahiri and R. Balasubramanium. As far as wootz steel is
concerned, Thelma Lowe has extensively surveyed and technically studied crucible
steel production sites in Konasamudram, while Martha Goodway, Paul Craddock
and K.N.P Rao have made studies on the late medieval site of Gatihosahalli recorded
by the European travellers. J. D. Verhoeven has simulated the production of
Damascus sword blades of high-carbon steel and studied the formation of patterns,
while O. Sherby has written on properties observed in ultra-high carbon steels
produced under laboratory conditions such as superplasticity. Even so, there
is still much to uncover concerning Indian wootz steel, since most studies or
accounts of crucible steel production have been made on the late medieval sites
or on laboratory simulated high-carbon steels, while all crucible processes
need not necessarily have resulted in the production of high-carbon steel.
In recent times, evidence for crucible steel production has also emerged from
Central Asia and Sri Lanka so that it is relevant to explore and set out the
evidence for the antiquity and primacy of the technology of wootz steel within
the Indian context.
Amongst present Indian scholars, the author has
undertaken significant archaeometallurgical studies on wootz crucible steel
by identifying previously unknown sites for crucible steel production at Mel-siruvalur
in Tamil Nadu, and Tintini and Machnur in Karnataka as published in Srinivasan
(1994) and Srinivasan and Griffiths (1997) which has the potential for increasing
the known horizons of wootz steel production in antiquity. Metallographic investigations
(ibid.) on metallic remnants in fragments of crucibles from the site of Mel-siruvalur
show the clearest evidence from any site yet for the production of high-carbon
hyper-eutectoid steel (of about 1.3% C), while the site also shows some nearby
evidence for megalithic occupation and is thus being further investigated by
the author.
While there has been some focussed
research of a high order on certain aspects of crucible steel, this book proposes
to explore ferrous metals and ‘wootz’ from within a broader interpretive framework
by viewing technological aspects in relation to cultural aspects. Such an approach
has generally not been widely attempted in the overall discourse on metals or
materials heritage from India and may serve to reddress some of the lacunae
in the understanding of Indian ferrous metallurgical heritage. Thus,
less well-studied aspects would be incorporated in the book: such as an important
question concerning the emergence of cast iron in Indian antiquity. Although
cast iron is conventionally thought to have been produced in ancient China and
then come much later to wider use in India especially through European intervention
there may now be evidence for cast iron from parts of Tamil Nadu going back
to the megalithic period (c. 500 BC) as touched upon further in the chapterisation
scheme. Other aspects to be touched upon include the developmental aspects
of iron metallurgy and insights from the author’s own studies on megalithic
metallurgy with evidence for skilled use of high-tin bronzes (Srinivasan 1994,
1997) and inter-relationship with iron metallurgy, manifestations of continuing
skills in iron and steel metallurgy apart from wootz steel as exemplified by
the intriguing flexible swords in the martial art form of Kalaripayattu from
Kerala, the knowledge of wire-drawn musical instruments, and decorative or functional
uses of ferrous materials and other such cultural or artistic facets. The discernment of threads of cultural or technological
continuity and cross-craft contiguities can assume significance in terms of
what can be interpreted, albeit cautiously, about the indigenous nature of certain
developments or as regards the distinctive trajectory of assimilated forms or
technologies within the Indian context.
III. Chapterization scheme and Table of contents
The proposed book would include the following chapters of upto
150-200 pages with photographs and illustrations. The proposed chapterisation scheme is as follows:
Chapter 1:
Introduction: Exploring paradigms of innovation within the Indic tradition
Chapter 2
Genesis of ‘ukku’: Insights from megalithic ferrous
metallurgy, high-tin bronzes and crafts
Chapter 3
‘Wootz’ as high-carbon crucible steel: Evidence from southern India
Chapter 4
Shades of swords: From ‘Damascus’ blades to martial
arts swords of Kalaripayattu
Chapter 5
Re-examining the questions of emergence
of cast irons in Indian antiquity
Chapter 6
Ferrous artefacts in decorative, figurative, architectural or
musical uses
Chapter 7
On social history of iron smelting or blacksmithy
Chapter 8
Conclusions: Making the case for ‘wootz’ as an
Indian innovation
-Illustrations and photographs
Brief summary of chapters:
contents of the proposed chapters are summarised below:
Chapter 1:
Introduction: Exploring
paradigms of innovation within the Indic tradition
Late scientist
C.V. Seshadri, founder-President, Congress of Traditional Science and Technology,
who worked on appropriate technology for rural development in India wrote on
the ‘non-linear’ nature of Indian thought processes. Edward De Bono coined
the phrase ‘lateral thinking’ to describe the process of making intellectual
and creative breakthroughs by cutting across set patterns or concepts. As such,
it seems quite natural that in ancient societies, where empirical observation
and knowledge prevail, such ‘lateral thinking’ and experimentation with different
types of materials would have been behind several discoveries. For example,
it is believed that the development of copper smelting in Asia Minor or ancient
Egypt drew from processes of making faience beads. However, ‘lateral thinking’
and holistic conceptions seem to have been especially internalized and canonised
within the Indic tradition: as seen in the Sanskrit treatise of the Vishnudharmottara
purana which talks of the inter-connectedness between sculpture, painting,
dance, music, the fine arts and performing arts. Thus this chapter seeks to
explore the background to the development of iron metallurgy, from within the
paradigms discussed above, as to how for example pre-existing craft practices
in proto-history could have played a role in contributing to metallurgical developments
right from Harappan times to the early historic period ranging from stone, bone,
lapidary crafts, glass making and so on. This approach also keeps in mind an
exploration of the view expressed by some scholars that there may be reason
to consider the indigenous origins of iron metallurgy in the context of megaliths
of peninsular and southern India going back to at least around 1100 BC, and
sets out to explore whether indeed such a theory of indigenous origins of iron
metallurgy is consistent with pre-existing technologies or parameters.
Chapter 2
Genesis of ‘ukku’: Insights from megalithic ferrous
metallurgy, high-tin bronzes and crafts
‘Wootz’ is known to be an anglicised
version of ‘ukku’, the word for steel in south India. The term ‘ukku’ may derive
from ‘uruku’, used to describe fused or melted metal in Tamil Sangam literature
dated broadly from about the 5th century BC to 5th century
AD, while accounts of the Greek Zosimos of the early Christian era suggests
that the Indians used crucible processes to make metal for swords, i.e. steel.
Pliny’s ‘Natural History’ talks of iron from the Seres which may refer to the
ancient south Indian kingdom of the Cheras who are referred to in Sangam texts.
While Thelma Lowe, most of all, and others have made crucial studies on the
mechanisms of late medieval Deccani wootz production, there still remains much
to be investigated and clearly established concerning the antiquity of wootz
steel in India and on the identification of ancient artefacts of wootz. It
is significant that there are a couple of analyses reported in early excavation
reports from some megalithic sites in southern India of iron artefacts with
1-2% carbon (for eg. two javelins from megalithic Andhra Pradesh mentioned in
Sundara 1999); however further investigations with micro-structural evidence
may be required to ascertain if these can be taken as conclusive evidence for
wootz steel. Investigations by the author on a crucible fragment from
the megalithic site of Kodumanal (3rd century BC) excavated by K.
Rajan, Tamil University, found in an iron smelting hearth showed it to be iron-rich
without any other significant metal, which did not rule out the fact that it
could belong to some kind of ferrous process although as yet no clear evidence
of metallic remnants could be found in the crucible (Srinivasan and Griffiths
Significantly, the author has identified from surface
surveys three previously unknown sites for crucible steel production in southern
India (ibid.). Crucibles from one of these sites, Mel-siruvalur in Tamil Nadu
shows clear evidence for the production of a hyper-eutectoid (1.3% C) steel,
i.e. a high-carbon steel, probably even by molten carburisation processes at
high-temperatures (Srinivasan 1994, Srinivasan and Griffiths 1997). More significantly,
the site shows signs of megalithic occupation in the vicinity as independently
verified by Sasisekaran (2002) while the author found numerous remains of what
appeared to be legs of megalithic sarcophagi in a dried up canal near the dump.
(The megalithic period in southern India ranges in different places from the
early 1st millennium BC to early centuries AD). This site is being
further investigated by the author. Other aspects of megalithic iron production
to be touched upon include the iron smelting furnace excavated at Naikund, from
the Vidharbha megaliths of Maharashtra.
As background, this chapter would also briefly explore
whether there are technological parameters within the context of peninsular
megaliths which could have supported more advanced metallurgical skills. Previously
the Indian subcontinent had not been associated with a more sophisticated bronze
working tradition. However, metallurgical investigations by the author established
for the first time the use of specialized alloys known as high-tin beta bronzes
(which are quenched binary copper-tin alloys bronzes of around 23% tin) to make
vessels going back at least to the iron age burials megaliths of the early first
millennium BC of the Indian subcontinent which rank amongst the early such alloys
known in the world, and which are still made in parts of India such as Kerala
by similar processes as reported in Srinivasan (1994b, 1997, 1998a) and in papers
written by the author with Ian Glover while at Institute of Archaeology, London
(Srinivasan and Glover 1995, 1997). High-tin beta bronzes generally do not
seem to have been in vogue in Europe, and indeed the Greek Nearchus (4th
century BC) mentions that Indians used golden vessels which shattered when dropped
which may be interpreted as high-tin bronze, as suggested by Rajpitak and Seeley
(1979). What is significant is that the processes of quenching high-tin
bronze indicates a general familiarity with heat treatment processes in the
megalithic period that could have extended to the knowledge of iron and steel
metallurgy. Other evidence for skilled metallurgical activity comes
from evidence suggesting that the deepest old gold mine in the world comes from
Hutti in Karnataka with carbon dates from timber collected from a depth of about
600 feet from a mine going back to the mid 1st millennium BC (Radhakrishna and
Curtis 1991).
Chapter 4
‘Wootz’ as high-carbon crucible steel: Evidence from southern India
Arab records mention the excellence of Hinduwani
or Indian steel while the 12th century Arab Edrisi mentioned that it was impossible
to find anything to surpass the edge from Indian steel. Records indicate that
Jewish merchants of the 11th-12th century from Cairo imported
iron and steel along with prized metal vessels from southern India. Late medieval
observers of the manufacture of wootz steel in India have commented on the process
of carburisation of iron to steel in crucibles where a batch of closed crucibles
which were packed with a low carbon iron charge were stacked in a large furnace
and fired in a long 14-24 hour cycle at high temperatures of not less than 12000C
in a strongly reducing atmosphere (Percy 1860-1880; 773-776). Certainly accounts
indicate that by the late medieval period, south Indian wootz steel was reputed
to have been used to produce the famed ‘Damascus’ blades, which have an artistically
appealing pattern due to the etched crystalline structure of forged high-carbon
steel, of which surviving examples are known from Turkey, Persia, as well as
Mughal period and Tipu Sultan era in India. Thus this chapter charts the progress
from high technology to high artistry of wootz steel and its metamorphosis into
the ‘Damascus’ blades. This chapter will also briefly touch upon the European
interest in replicating wootz steel in the 18th-19th century
and insights into its special properties. This chapter would also summarise
the work of recent scholars, including those mentioned in the previous sections,
on evidence from production sites for crucible steel.
This chapter would also attempt to place the general
process metallurgy of wootz within the context of other Indian technological
traditions. To take an example, the nearly sealed crucible process, described
in texts like the Rasaratnasamuchaya and also used for wootz steel production,
is reminiscent of 11th century zinc smelting retorts from Zawar in
Rajasthan from where the earliest known remains from zinc smelting are found.
Lead isotope analyses undertaken by the author on a zinc ingot with a 4th
century Deccan Brahmi inscription (previously exhibited in Science Museum, London,
courtesy Nigel Seeley) corroborated a likely Andhra Deccan provenance, making
it one of the earliest known surviving examples of metallic zinc in the world
(Srinivasan 1998). Thus one could argue for similarities in the inspiration
behind zinc smelting and crucible steel production. The closed-crucible process
is still used in a traditional process of making mirrors of a specialised 33%
high-tin delta bronze alloy investigated by the author from Aranmula, Kerala
(Srinivasan and Glover 1995). The use of iron or steel tools in crafts (such
as icon making or granite stone carving still practised in Tamil Nadu), is also
one that has not received much attention and may throw some light on technological
Chapter 5
Shades of swords: From
‘Damascus’ blades to martial arts swords of Kalaripayattu
This chapter would begin by summarising some of the studies
on the replication and properties of Damascus swords and ultra-high carbon steels.
The ‘Damascus’ blades, so-called after one of the sword production centres,
can be clearly identified as having been made of high-carbon ‘wootz’ steel due
to the etched crystalline structure resulting wavy patterns (and from which
the book draws its name, textures of wootz). However, far less is known about
other types of traditional Indian swords and implements as to whether they were
made from wootz or high-carbon steel or other processes. Whereas Mughal armoury
has generally been much better documented, this chapter would also attempt to
touch upon lesser known aspects about Indian armoury such as the Telengana swords,
Tipu Sultan armoury and Tanjore armoury from southern India. Another neglected
area that this book proposes to emphasise and explore in greater detail is the
use of swords and weapons in several martial art traditions in India. These
include the various sword blades used in the Kalaripayattu tradition of Kerala
including intriguing flexible sword blades. Studies by Zarreli suggest that
the Kalaripayattu tradition may go back to the martial traditions of the Tamil
Sangam era of the early centuries AD and is linked to the Tamil siddha
form of medicine. Their relevance to ritual or performance art and insights
from the Natyasastra, the ancient treatise on Indian dramaturgy, may
also be touched upon briefly.
Chapter 5
Re-examining the questions of emergence of cast irons in Indian antiquity
An interesting question that has received little
attention in India but is related to the development of wootz high-carbon steel
is that of whether cast iron was ever made in Indian antiquity. Of course,
it is well recognised that cast iron first came into widespread use in China
much before Europe or other parts of the world, where it was widely used by
the early christian era for a range of artefacts including some monumental castings.
In the Indian subcontinent cast iron is thought to have only came into vogue
very much later from the late medieval period; for instance cast iron pillars
were used for the first time in architecture in the Mysore palace made in Britain.
It is intriguing however, that there are reports of some evidence for production
of cast iron with about 6% carbon from a megalithic period twin hearth furnace
in Guttur in Tamil Nadu (dated c. 500 BC) (Sasisekaran 2002). It has
also been observed that some crucible steel processes resulted in the production
of white cast iron. Thus, a re-examination would be attempted from within the
Indian archaeological record exploring evidence for cast iron artefacts (such
as bells) or use of related furnaces which could throw more light on the question
of emergence of cast iron in Indian antiquity and serve to confirm or corroborate
the preliminary evidence.
Chapter 6
Ferrous artefacts in decorative, figurative, musical or architectural uses
This chapter would touch upon
the long history of use of ferrous artefacts in a range of non-weaponry contexts
as decorative and utilitarian artefacts and links with other arts or crafts.
The corrosion resistant Gupta era Delhi iron pillar (4th-5th
century) is the largest known early wrought iron forging, while massive forged
architectural iron beams were used in the medieval Konarak and Jaganannath temples
in Orissa; these aspects have been written about elsewhere and would only be
briefly touched upon in this chapter. However, the use of iron in figurative
or decorative contexts is less known which this chapter would delve more into.
For example, a tiny ferrous mother goddess figurine was uncovered from megalithic
Alangankulam in Tamil Nadu, dated c 1000 BC. India has
a rich tradition of stringed musical instruments: from the traditional veena
used in the Hindu devotional Carnatic music style of southern India, to the
Indo-Islamic adaptation of the sitar in northern India (which owes its
name to the Persian instrument). Accounts suggest that wire for the Persian
sitar was traded out of the 15th century Vijayanagara kingdom of
Karnataka, with the musical stone pillars of Hampi corroborating the kingdom’s
grasp of the science of music. Other non-weapon utilitarian or decorative uses
of iron going back to protohistory would be explored from lampstands, tripods,
utensils etc.
Chapter 7
Continuing traditions and social history of iron smelting or blacksmithy
This chapter would explore aspects of social history
of ferrous metal workers, surviving craft traditions and aspects of continuity
and change in relation to caste-based crafts or traditional craft guilds. Traditionally,
iron workers belonged to the artisan community known as Viswakarma. Manu,
who worked in iron is said to have been the first of the five sons of Viswakarma,
the maker of the universe. Nevertheless, as far as actual social heirarchy
goes, today the rural blacksmith has slipped to the bottom of the social heirarchy
of artisans. Since the artefacts produced by blacksmiths are utilitarian and
often do not receive support as handicrafts, there is a danger of their being
marginalised. Thus this chapter proposes to touch upon little known aspects
about rural blacksmithy. As far as social history is concerned, there is also
an interesting instance of reverence for a metal craftsman in the tale of Munishwara,
a metalworking saint to whom there are several shrines in Karnataka. Indeed,
from technical investigations the author found evidence for both crucibles related
to wootz steel production and copper smelting slags from a shrine to Munishwara
in Tintini, indicating that the legend was associated with actual metalworkers.
Brouwer has also written on social anthropology of metal crafts in Karnataka.
Thus this chapter would illuminate some aspects about social history and continuing
Making the case for wootz as an Indian innovation
In recent years, concerted archaeolometallurgical studies
have brought to light evidence for steel made from crucible processes in parts
of Central Asia and Sri Lanka, which also had a skilled iron working tradition,
thought to date from the first millennium AD. Although it does not seem to
have been clearly established yet if the end products were high-carbon steel
this raises issues about the origins of the crucible steel technology vis a
vis the Indian evidence. However, this chapter would draw together the information
discussed or presented in the preceding chapters to argue that it still remains
entirely reasonable to postulate that the technology of high-carbon wootz steel
originated and thrived in the Indian peninsula, particularly southern India,
and could have spread elsewhere. Apart from the literary and cultural evidence,
preliminary archaeometallurgical evidence from south Indian megalithic contexts
also suggests that the best case for the origins of high-carbon wootz steel
made by crucible processes seems to come from the southern Indian peninsula.
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