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K. Chandra Hari. 2003. Eclipse Observations of Parmesvara. Indian Journal
Of History Of Science, 38 (1): 43-58. INDIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE ACADEMY,
By Manikant Shah
In the Strange Stories, Amazing Facts compiled by the Reader’s
Digest in 1975, there is a Chinese legend dating from 2136 BC, which tells
that the Chinese Emperor and his people were terrified on account of a hungry
dragon trying to eat the sun. The Emperor later ordered his two Imperial Astronomers
Hsi and Ho to be beheaded for they failed to forewarn the Emperor of the approaching
dragon. Similar legends are found in Indian Astronomy and Astrology which tell
about the two demons Rahu and Ketu trying to swallow up the sun or the moon.
At such times the sun or the moon seems to disappear from the skies and the
period is generally considered inauspicious. The phenomenon of the skies that
these legends refer to has come to be known to the modern astronomers as an
Eclipse. We now know that the earth and the moon revolve around the sun. What
actually happens is that in their orbital path the moon or the earth comes between
the other two bodies, obscuring the light coming off the sun or the moon resulting
in Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses are celestial phenomena that have
always raised the curiosity of humankind. In all countries across the seas eclipses
have been observed with awe and surprise or perhaps with a hope that they might
reveal some hidden aspects of the enigmatic universe.
Below we discuss K. Chandra Hari’s essay on the observations made by Paramesvara,
who during the 14th-15th century enriched the Kerala astronomical
tradition through precise observations and astronomical experimentation. Chandra
Hari’s exposition becomes more important for we know that just about the same
time or even later perhaps, European astronomy began to record scientific observations
but gradually came to be recognized world wide, whereas the works of observers
like Parmesvara largely went unnoticed.
Paramesvara was a resident of Alattur, situated on the banks of the river Nila
or Bharatppuzha in Kerala. K. Chandra Hari says he was a prolific writer on
astronomy as well as astrology and is best known for his work Drgganita.
Besides Drgganita, Paramesvara produced three works exclusively dealing
with eclipses. These were Grahanamandana, Grahanastaka and Grahananyayadipika.
Paramesvara also gave a commentary known as Siddhantadipika on the Mahabhaskariya-Bhasya
of Govindasvamin in which he mentioned important eclipses that took place during
1398 to 1431 AD. Nilkantha Somayaji, the disciple of Parmesvara himself, has
spoken about Parmesvara in the following words, “Parmesvara had his studentship
well in mathematics and astronomy under the able hands such as Rudra, Narayana,
and Madhava. He could understand the factors that caused difference between
the computed and observed planetary positions. After deliberating over the principles
of earlier teachers and verifying them through observations of eclipses and
planetary conjunctions he composed his accurate work, Drgganita.” Chandra
Hari accords much importance to the work of Parmesvara related to the observation
of Eclipses as Parmesvara had refined the age-old Parahita system in
1431 AD to formulate his main work Drgganita. Drgganita apparently
is related to astronomical mathematics that was an improvement upon the earlier
mathematics used in the Parahita system. Parmesvara as quoted by Nilkantha,
his disciple, once said, “The planets have been observed by me for fifty-five
years and they differ from the positions derived through Parahita-Ganitam”.
Even Nilakantha used these observations in the formulation of his work Tantrasangraha.
Nilkantha speaks of the use of eclipses vis-a-vis the refinement
of computational methods in these words, “Other Eclipses traditionally known
as well as those currently observable are to be studied. In the light of such
experience future ones can be computed and predicted. Or, eclipses occurring
at other places can be studied taking into account the longitude and latitude
of the places and on this basis the method for true Sun, Moon, Apsis and Node
can be perfected. Based on these, past and future eclipses of one’s own place
can be studied and verified with appropriate refinement of the technique”.
Chandra Hari admits that in the preparation of the present paper he could make
use of only two works of Parmesvara on eclipses - the Grahanamandana
and the Grahananyayadipika. The former is a karana text that deals
with computational aspects while the latter presents the underlying theory of
eclipses. We are told that Parmesvara’s efforts were directed towards the refinement
of the traditional constants employed in the computation of eclipses. He claimed
no innovations of his own in the treatment of eclipses. But his scientific outlook
is well evident from the criticism he made of Varahamihira in his Grahanamandana.
Chandra Hari says that Parmesvara recorded altogether eight solar and five lunar
eclipses that occurred during his time. He says that the solar eclipses have
been examined with the modern planetarium software based on the VSOP87 theory
of which he gives the relevant tables. These show just minor variations, which
is incredible. These variations can also be attributed to manuscript errors
in the old records as is pointed out in the paper. From here Chandra Hari goes
on to a discussion on the eclipses as recorded by Parmesvara and Nilakantha,
comparing them in the light of Modern Astronomy. Having compared the figures
Chandra Hari concludes that the values given by Nilakantha have got only insignificant
errors when compared to modern computer derived longitudes based on the latest
theories of planetary dynamics. He says that in terms of accuracy of the planetary
longitudes the epicyclical theory was not far behind the theory of Kepler, when
researchers like Parmesvara and Nilakantha handled it.
By the end of the paper Chandra Hari briefly discusses the Drgganita
of Parmesvara, as he underlines that without it the discussion on Parmesvara
would remain incomplete. While concluding the paper Chandra Hari says that Parmesvara’s
record of astronomical observations, the refinement of astronomical parameters
and the accompanying work of his disciple Nilakantha Somayaji which maximizes
the accuracy of planetary longitudes etc, are reflect the past glory of Indian